
Cecilia Cheung-quit smoking

Ceci has also begun to quit smoking. "Smoking is bad for your lungs and also gives you wrinkles. I'm trying to quit right now. Back then, I use to smoke 10 cigarettes a day. Now I'm down to 5. It's hard to quit everything all at once. When I see others smoke during work, I'm tempted to do it too."

A magazine recently reported that Ceci buys alot of expensive furniture for her pets. To this, Ceci says:" That magazine is crazy. They only want to pick on me. Everyone has furniture at home. My dogs and cats sleep and pee on my sofa, and despite the fact that I've tried to clean it everytime it happens, it's still dirty, so I've decided to change it. No one sleeps on one bed for their entire life. After a while, it's time to change it."

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